Brian McKnight

Brian McKnight has always had a way with the ladies through his passionate, sincere music.  He recently released an album titled “Evolution of a Man.”

Like previous albums, the newest one (ironically) continues to feature heartfelt lyrics that capture the essence of who Brian McKnight is.

Brian’s music does not sound modern. Yet, somehow it sounds even less old fashioned, making his music very pleasant to listen to.

The song ‘Another You’ accentuates Brian’s beautiful piano playing skills while bringing out his sexy, silky voice, which combined make this song a highlight from his latest CD.

Is ‘Another You’ as catchy as some of his hit songs? Maybe not…

Does it still make a girl’s heart melt? Absolutely!

About Viviene Martinelli

My personal hobbies are reading, writing, listening to music, and silence. View all posts by Viviene Martinelli

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